Thursday, October 11, 2012

Easy Guide

Easy Guide if you want to get that Good n Intense but not Long workout in!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Apple Cinnamon Yogurt Pancakes!

Oh Yeah Baby! It just doesn't get any better than cinnamon n pancakes! Well try this recipe, and then don't feel so guilty! More to come Enjoy;)

Quick, Simple Fruity Snack!

A bowl of mixed fruit instead of reaching for that bag of chips, or make great fruit kabobs as a great store away when you or your kids want a snack or even a quick app to grab out of the fridge when that unexpected guest arrives. Instead of reaching for any bag of chips, or soda, or something you'll feel terrible about later think of the easy but healthy tips I will start showing you! You will start feeling much better, have more energy, and not feel so blah! Trust me;)

Turkey Burger Recipe YUUUM!!

Turkey Burger, Yuuum!!
I use Jenny O's Turkey Burgers they are GREAT! The whole family loves them, just add a little seasoning for flavor and throw on the grill or the skillet. Quick n easy but most of all healthy and you'll finish dinner not fealing guilty or like you want to fall over and take a nap! Enjoy, and remember when you feel full STOP! That's your body telling you it's had enough. Trust me I know there's been times i've been eating and it's tasted so good I just wanted to keep going but you have to think what am I doing to my body, do I really need this, and how much better I will feel if I don't scarf this all down! So give it a try, and start today by changing YOU and your life!